Also known as “the Copy Number Company”, Amsterdam-based MRC Holland specialises in the production of high-quality assays for gene copy number determination. Copy number variations (CNVs) play a role in many genetic disorders, but their presence may be sometimes missed by commonly used methods. Our partner MRC Holland is as is best known as the producer of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA®) assays, a technology widely considered as the gold standard in CNV detection. The company’s 400 different MLPA assays are used on millions of samples every year, with applications ranging from relatively common genetic disorders such as DMD or BRCA1 testing to extremely rare genetic diseases. The company develops assays for germline DNA as well as tumour analysis, in both research and diagnostic settings. All of MRC Hollands products are manufactured according to the highest quality standards and the latest scientific insights, following strict European regulations for its in-vitro diagnostic assays.
Besides MLPA, the company offers easy-to-use melt curve assays as well as the newer digitalMLPA technology. The latter technology combines the proven effectiveness of MLPA for copy number detection with the large scale of Next Generation Sequencing, allowing for the copy number determination of hundreds of genetic hotspots in a single reaction.
It is MRC Holland’s mission to manufacture and distribute affordable and reliable genetic tests worldwide. The company’s products are easy to use and implement into research and diagnostic settings, as they run on standard laboratory equipment, use standard platforms and free MRC Holland-developed software for analysis. With MRC Holland’s products, you can achieve confidence in copy number determination.